The Recipe for Success: The New Golden Rule in the Kitchen (2/2)

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In my last post, I shared Jacques Pepin’s video where he said that following a recipe exactly is not “the recipe for success” but actually “a recipe for disaster”.

I also shared some of the observations from the recipe test for my cookbook. Basically, the sameness is an illusion and we actually need to adapt the recipes which are written for the masses as well as for specific conditions, the ingredients, the kitchen, and your cooking skills.

If that’s the case, is it better to continue to follow recipes?

Before we get into that, let me show you how HAVING TO FOLLOW RECIPES EXACTLY may be costing you more time, money and stress as well.

When you feel you HAVE TO follow the recipes exactly, it makes your life more difficult in three main ways.

1. It takes more time.

You either have to find the perfect recipe that matches everything you already have, or have to go from one store to another so that you can find everything you need. Either way, it takes lots of time!

Switching tasks between cooking and following recipe instructions add extra time and less focus on the actual cooking. It also results in more mistakes such as cut and burned fingers as well as burnt food.

You don’t want that kind of wasted time and energy, especially on weeknights!

2. It costs you more money.

You will have to buy exactly the same ingredients on the recipes regardless of price.

For example, some obscure, often expensive ingredients you don’t know what to do with after you use 1/2 teaspoon for a particular dish.

Or, something that’s out of season or not readily available in your area that’s very expensive.

Either way, you are most likely to have to pay a premium, and not be able to take advantage of sales.

3. It creates confusion.

This is because many recipes–even for the same dish–the method let alone the ingredients can be very different. 

The recipes are written for the masses, yet the way each person does things can be quite different. Each person’s kitchen setup is different. The ingredients themselves behave differently every single time, even if they look similar.

Each recipe is a reflection of how the recipe developer does things when they cook. There are many different ways to complete each step in a recipe. If you HAVE TO follow recipes exactly, that means you’d have to do the same task differently for each recipe you make. Obviously, that can be super confusing.

So what should you do then? Is there such thing as the recipe for success when it comes to everyday cooking?

Rather than following recipes exactly, you can learn to apply what you know and adapt it to similar recipes (surprisingly, the majority of recipes can be put in just a handful of categories), it will be so much simpler and easier. Plus you can create more dishes with much less time and effort.

The Bottom Line:

  • You should use recipes for ideas, and as a starting point, not something set in stone.
  • Learn the basic recipes (which you probably already do) and tweak with the ingredients and seasonings you already have. 
  • Substitution: Don’t worry about seeking something exact. Swap different ingredients and flavors as you like.
  • Trust your taste buds, your intuition, and experience as a cook, if not as an “eater”. 
    1. We eat 1,000+ times/year. 
    2. You know what YOU like more than strangers (like recipe developers and meal planning services)
    3. If your inner critic creeps up its head and screams at you “that’s not authentic!”, “that’s weird!”, let her/him know that you are not opening a restaurant. What you and your family like is all that matters.
  • Have a well-stocked pantry so that you can be prepared. This allows you to whip up many dishes by mixing and matching, and without expensive last-minute shopping.

I understand how scary it could feel to go off of recipes for the first time. But as you saw in  Jacques’ video, “following the recipes exactly” is just an illusion and also doesn’t guarantee success… rather, it can lead to disappointment… or even a disaster.

So, maybe it’s time to experiment… and when you do, you realize you are a much better cook than you’ve given yourself credit for. And you will find it actually is the recipe for success and a lot more fun!

What do you think? Let me know in the comment section.

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